dimanche 29 juillet 2012

MODACULT : Centre for the study of Fashion and Cultural Production

The Centro per lo studio della Moda e della produzione culturale / Centre for the study of Fashion and Cultural Production (Modacult) is a research institute founded in 1996 within the Faculty of Political Science at the Catholic University of Milan bringing together scholars from the Department of Sociology of the same university. The Centre benefits from the collaboration of Italian and international researchers with professional experts.
Modacult has an international reputation in the field of socio-cultural studies in fashion, together with a strong consolidated experience in research on consumer and gender studies, cultural industries, culture-led urban regeneration and creative districts.
The Centre works in partnerships with fashion enterprises and a wide group of international research institutions.
Symbol of such ramarkable connections is, for example, the Milano Fashion Institute, consortium to provide higher education in the fashion sector set up together with Università Bocconi and Politecnico di Milano.
Modacult aims to:
  • Stimulate the scientific debate through papers and conferences on fashion, sustainability, consumer studies, urban regeneration, creative districts, and cultural industries.
  • Develop interdisciplinary research projects both on a national and international level.
  • Plan educational and training activities in the fields of fashion, communication and cultural promotion;
  • Facilitate the creation of networks and partnerships among enterprises, schools, universities and research centres through, among others, consultancy services on the territory.

mercredi 4 juillet 2012

Prêt-à-Papier [Exposition]

Hélas, ce n'est pas près d'ici, mais aux Etats-Unis, dans un endroit très chic de la côte Est : la nouvelle exposition de costumes de papier de l'artiste belge Isabelle de Borchgrave.

A Hillwood, Estate, Museum & Gardens, USA.

dimanche 1 juillet 2012

Past Dress - Future Fashion - Florence [colloque]

Stylists and designers look to the past to seek inspiration for their latest creations. We reference the past to spark our imagination for new ideas, but more often we look back to identify those timeless themes that remain valuable for the present and into the future.
Therefore vintage styles, designer creations and historic fashion collections will be just some of the many topics presented at Costume Colloquium III: Past Dress – Future Fashion to be held November 8-11, 2012 in Florence, Italy .
The international, interdisciplinary and intercultural structure of Costume Colloquium promotes a lively exchange of knowledge on a full range of ideas and interests. The conference topics and themes of Past Dress – Future Fashion are appealing to professionals and academics as well as amateurs and students and will include the following:

Pour connaître le programme des conférences, cliquer ICI.