mercredi 28 mai 2014

Lace and Commerce in 18th Century Europe (Rotterdam, 27-31 Jul 14) [call for papers]

Call for papers 
Deadline: Jun 16, 2014 
CFP: “The International Thread: Lace and Commerce in Eighteenth-Century Europe” 
Opening Markets: Trade and Commerce in the Eighteenth CenturyISECS Quadrennial Congress, on the Enlightenment, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 27 - 31 July 2015 
Chairs:  Tara Zanardi, (Department of Art & Art History, Hunter College/CUNY 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065;, and Michael Yonan, (Department of Art History and Archaeology, University of Missouri, 21 Parker Hall, Columbia, MO, 65211; amounts of lace flooded the marketplaces of eighteenth-century Europe, which fostered a vibrant international trade.  This marketplace centered on competition between the Low Countries (especially the regions that now comprise Belgium) and northern France, two areas that  included Europe’s most technically accomplished lacemaking centers, including Alençon, Argentan, Brussels, Mechlin, and Valenciennes.   
These towns exported huge quantities of lace to an international clientele and competed with locally manufactured lace.  Our panel seeks  papers that examine how lace operated within eighteenth-century  mercantile networks, economic systems, and black markets.  What were the trade factors the affected the distribution of lace, both locally  and globally, and how did those factors affect working conditions, design choices, and the objects created?   How did these market conditions affect what lace was used for, be it garments, decorative items, or household textiles?  Topics might include treatments of lace and lace making in gendered terms, as statements of regional or national pride, labor practices in lacemaking, techniques and  materials, and the industry’s global ambitions.  Interdisciplinary papers are especially welcome. 
For more information, see the congress websites: